WooCommerce Order Tags 4.1.0

Download WooCommerce Order Tags 4.1.0 from nulled fire. Manage orders more efficiently with automatic or manually assigned tags.
* Note: This is a milestone release, please ensure you read the contents of this changelog and we recommend performing this update on a staging/development environment and testing before updating the extension on a production website, clear all caches after updating
* Add: Set if coupon (advanced) option allowing order tags to be set based on if the order used coupon(s), with more granular control over the coupon code conditions
* Add: Set if item meta data option allowing order tags to be set based on if the order contain an item which has specific meta data
* Update: Operators information to be more descriptive on each operator based field
* Update: Trim conditions refactoring
* Fix: Set if coupon may not correctly set tags related to coupons in newer WooCommerce versions, as coupon storage has been changed in core WooCommerce to be non-meta based
* Note: This is a milestone release, please ensure you read the contents of this changelog and we recommend performing this update on a staging/development environment and testing before updating the extension on a production website, clear all caches after updating
* Add: Composer WooCommerce Quality Insights Toolkit (QIT) dependency
* Add: Orders list filter option of none to allow orders list to be filtered by orders which do not have a tag
* Add: Orders list filter options now displayed hierarchically, based on order tag parent/child relationships
* Add: Orders list bulk action options now displayed hierarchically, based on order tag parent/child relationships
* Add: Orders list bulk action options now include remove order tags to allow tags to be removed in bulk via orders list
* Add: Order tags are now displayed hierarchically, based on order tag parent/child relationships
* Add: wcot_order_tags_bulk_actions_remove_order_tags filter hook
* Add: wcot_order_tags_bulk_actions_set_order_tags filter hook
* Add: wcot_order_tags_get_order_tags_html function
* Add: wcot_order_tags_make_hierarchical function
* Add: wcot_order_tags_remove_order_tag function
* Fix: Orders originating from WooCommerce Cart/Checkout blocks draft orders, can get incorrect tags applied in the scenario where a customer adds various items to cart, the order gets tagged, then the contents are changed by the customer before final order creation
* Add: .pot to languages folder
* Add: Requires WooCommerce dependency header
* Add: wp_set_script_translations to JS assets
* Update: JS assets to include sprintf const
* Update: PHP requires at least 7.4.0
* Update: WooCommerce requires at least 8.5.0
* Update: WooCommerce tested up to 9.2.3
* Update: WordPress requires at least 6.3.0
* Update: WordPress tested up to 6.6.1