WooCommerce Smart Coupons 8.22.0

Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons 8.22.0 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Smart Coupons create gift certificates, store credit, coupons based on purchases.
* New: WordPress Coding Standard
* Fix: Link for Smart Coupons settings, which appears in admin notice, pointing to wrong page
* Fix: Store credit of 0 is visible on cart/checkout page
* Fix: Setting 'Apply before tax' not working for orders created manually from backend
* Fix: Checkbox 'Send coupons on renewals' doesn't hide even if there are no coupons linked
* Fix: Checkbox 'Apply before tax' remains checked on checking the checkbox 'Use store credit applied in first subscription...'
* Fix: When multiple store credits were applied from backend then removal of any one store credit was restoring balance to all other store credits
* Update: POT File
* Feature: Additional action after applying coupon - Add products to cart
* New: Filter for modifying coupon code during generation
* New: Filter to change the title of the coupon being displayed in cart PR#76
* New: Filter to change coupon meta during export
* Fix: Add check to avoid sliding coupon list if there's no coupon PR#74
* Fix: Not showing store credit under "Invalid/Used Coupons" if it's used up
* Fix: Fatal error: call to a member function get on null [Follow-up Emails]
* Fix: Generated coupons are not sent in order completed email for guest user
* Fix: Some fields are empty during export
* Update: POT file
* Fix: '{site_title}' in email footer
* Fix: Duplicate deduction from store credit when 3rd party plugin is changing order status
* Fix: Duplicate deduction from store credit when changing order status via bulk update
* Update: Change text from 'Show on cart/checkout' to 'Show on cart, checkout and my account?'
* Update: Show notice when coupon is disabled on store
* Update: Change text 'Percentage discount' to 'discount' as '%' sign is already shown with coupon amount
* Update: POT file