Wordpress Automatic Plugin 3.94.0

Download Wordpress Automatic Plugin 3.94.0 from nulled fire. Wordpress Automatic Plugin posts from various sources to Wordpress automatically.
NEW: new OpenAI models added gpt-4-0125-preview
NEW: Google places a new option to set the language of the search
Fix: Facebook imports events from groups back to work after recent changes
Fix: Removed Ezinearticles.com as a supported source, site shutdown
Fix: Translation of tags now works correctly
NEW: Dalle 3 support, now you can generate featured images using OpenAI Dalle 3
NEW: YouTube option to skip shorts
NEW: YouTube option to only import shorts
NEW: Option to disable fixing NoScript lazyloading images
Fix: TikTok is stuck when posting from a specific user when a gallery is found sorted
Fix: Updated TikTok module to work again after recent changes
NEW: custom fields tags [post_title] and [post_content]
NEW: tag [inline_link] to return the inline link found in the content
NEW: A new tutorial on how to increase the number of OpenAI articles added to the tutorials section
Fix: Amazon excerpt now removes Price and as of the date
Fix: {} can now be used in the post template, previously it was removed