Wordpress Automatic Plugin 3.94.0

Download Wordpress Automatic Plugin 3.94.0 from nulled fire. Wordpress Automatic Plugin posts from various sources to Wordpress automatically.
- Fix: Google translate auto-detect method now work normally it returned Array Array
- NEW: Multi-page scraper can now post from a list of posts URLs
- NEW: Option Add posts with its original time for multi-page scraper
- NEW: Careerjet new tag [source_site_name]
- Fix: Google translate back to work
- Fix: Facebook now imports up to 4 images again from the post
- Fix: Reddit imgur and gfycat gifs/videos now get embeded
- Fix: Feeds Single quotes now get replaced by double quotes
- Fix: Feeds/Multi-page scraper relative path correction for images now works better
- Fix: Instagram now imports all images if cached is enabled as well
- Fix: Envato affiliate URL now get correctly set for Woo products
- Fix: Careerjet now can grab the full description
- Fix: Youtube original tags extraction now back to work
- Fix: Youtube published after specific date now back to work
- NEW: Multi-page scraper next page URL fixed pattern support example.com/page/[page_number]
- NEW: Keyword to tag option can now check title only, content only or both
- NEW: Youtube now uses playlistitems API endpoint when posting from a specific channel that reduces used quota
- NEW: Youtube videos to videopro theme now have a duration
- NEW: Feeds module can now import from RSS feeds that do not contain a link tag
- NEW: Button on the campaign page to reactivate all keywords at once
- Fix: Microsoft translate now back to work + tutorial updated to latest UI
- Fix: Feeds/Multi-page scraper lazy loading now fixes images with single quotes on src attributes
- Fix: Amazon import without API key algorithm enhancement to bypass block
- Fix: Facebook event description now get imported after recent FB changes
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