WP All Import Link Cloaking Add-On 1.1.5

Download WP All Import Link Cloaking Add-On 1.1.5 from nulled fire. Automatically cloak all links present during an import.

Download WP All Import Link Cloaking Add-On 1.1.5 from nulled fire

Automatically cloak all links present during an import.

Automatically cloak all links present during an import. Useful for affiliates. Works with WooCommerce.

The Link Cloaking Add-On For WP All Import
Automatically cloak your links.

The Link Cloaking add-on for WP All Import makes it possible to easily cloak your affiliate links.

The add-on is compatible with the WooCommerce add-on for WP All Import and WooCommerce affiliate/external products.

You can choose to create cloaked versions of all links present in your imported content, or you can choose to only cloak the WooCommerce Affiliate/External Product Buy URL.

The add-on is very easy to use – all you need to do is enable it during the import and your links will be automatically cloaked.

woocommerce wp all import
WP All Import Link Cloaking Add-On

(10.4 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By