WP All Import Pro 4.9.1-beta-1.0

Download WP All Import Pro 4.9.1-beta-1.0 from nulled fire. WP All Import Pro - The most powerful solution for importing XML and CSV files to WordPress.
minimum WordPress version: 5.0
minimum PHP version: 7.4
improvement: validate Function Editor code against PHP 7.x or PHP 8.x based on running version of PHP
improvement: replace invalid records per iteration values with default of 20
improvement: add geocoding support to new Add-On API
bug fix: drag and drop not working for some fields
bug fix: ensure add-on images are checked by _wp_attached_file if not set to download
bug fix: imports sometimes hang on images that cannot be downloaded
bug fix: only add new taxonomies option doesn't work
bug fix: fatal error in some cases when importing comments
bug fix: encoded term slugs incorrectly matched in some cases
bug fix: function editor parenthesis in strings can lead to validation failures
bug fix: SVGs aren't handled correctly in some cases