WP Fusion - Logins Addon 1.3.3

Download WP Fusion - Logins Addon 1.3.3 from nulled fire. WP Fusion - Logins Addon is tool for WordPress user logins, including applying tags on first login
WP Fusion - Logins Addon is tool for WordPress user logins, including applying tags on first login, tracking stale accounts, and redirecting on login based on tags.

Features of WP Fusion - Logins Addon​

- Allows users to log in and out of your website using various platforms such as Facebook and Google.
- Automatically creates user accounts for users who log in using third-party platforms.
- Syncs user data between your website and the connected platforms.
- Supports custom login pages, so users can log in without leaving your website.
- Provides a user dashboard where users can manage their account information and connected platforms.
- Can provide single sign-on for users who are already logged into the connected platforms.
- Can restrict access to specific pages or content based on user roles or connected platforms.

wp fusion
WP Fusion - Logins Addon

(21.9 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By