Download WP Fusion 3.43.1 from nulled fire. WP Fusion connects your website to your CRM, with support for several CRMs and dozens of plugins.
Heads up! This update cleans up a lot of old and redundant code in the CRM integration classes. It should be safe for regular users, but if you have any custom code or have created custom CRM modules, please test on a staging site before updating.
Refactored and simplified CRM class structure: removed calls to wp_fusion()->crm_base, removed class WPF_CRM_Queue, removed redundancies in calling WPF_Staging CRM
Refactored and simplified lead source tracking
Removed parameter $map_meta_fields in CRM classes. Field mapping is now handled in __call() magic method in WPF_CRM_Base (i.e. wp_fusion()->crm)
Added Constant Contact integration
Improved - WPML, WeGlot, TranslatePress, and GTranslate integrations will now sync the current language preference whenever a contact is created or updated in the CRM (including for guests)
Improved - When processing actions again for WooCommerce, Woo Subscriptions, GiveWP, EDD, and Gravity Forms, any tags will be applied regardless of the cache in WordPress (bypasses the Prevent Reapplying Tags option)
Fixed Events Manager integration not detecting cancelled bookings when the plugin language was non-English
Fixed admin users list showing No Contact ID for users who had a contact ID but no tags
Fixed WooCommerce Memberships for Teams team meta batch operation crashing when trying to access deleted users
Fixed updates to existing leads not working with Intercom and Gist