WP Job Manager - Alerts 3.2.0

Download WP Job Manager - Alerts 3.2.0 from nulled fire. WP Job Manager - Alerts - Allow users to subscribe to job alerts for their searches.
* Adds support for WP Job Manager 1.32.0's new asset enqueuing and Select2 usage.
* Fixes issue of alerts getting scheduled too closely together.
* Stores search terms in meta data so it doesn't affect the term's post count.
* Adds compatibility with WP Job Manager 1.29.0 and requires it for future updates.
* Periodically check for and reschedule alert cron events if they are lost.
* Fix issue with deprecated usage of `get_the_job_type()`.
* Verifies the owner of an alert before showing it.
* Fixes issue with HTML entities appearing in email "From" name.
* Dev: Adds `job_manager_alerts_single_listing_link` filter for single job listing links.