WP Job Manager - Bookmarks 1.5.0

Download WP Job Manager - Bookmarks 1.5.0 from nulled fire. Allow logged in candidates and employers to bookmark jobs and resumes along with an added note.
* Add multi-site compatibility.
* Remove user bookmarks on user deletion.
* Add personal data exporter and eraser.
* Adds my_bookmarks shortcode to the wpjm shortcodes list
* Bookmark actions (adding, removing, and updating) now happen in the background for themes that support it.
* Adds support for `order` (`date`, `post_date`, and `post_title`) and `orderby` (`ASC` and `DESC`) arguments in `[my_bookmarks]` shortcode.
* Adds thumbnail for resume and job listings next to the bookmark in `[my_bookmarks]`.
* Fixes issue with pagination when there are expired or deleted listings bookmarked.