Download WP Smush Pro 3.16.2 from nulled fire. WP Smush Pro optimize and resize every image and speed up your site with WP Smush Pro.
- Fix: LazyLoad module not working correctly for picture elements in certain situations
- Fix: LazyLoad module not working correctly for some CSS variables
- Fix: Better handling of !important CSS rules by the LazyLoad module
- Fix: Performance issues on some WooCommerce pages
- Improvement: Better compatibility with page builders
- Improvement: General code improvements
- Fix: WP Offload integration preventing some formats from getting offloaded
- New: Directly serve Local Webp images, no rewrite rules required!
- New: Support for inline style tags in CDN and Local WebP modules
- New: Support for multiple background images in CDN and Local WebP modules
- New: Better support for relative links in CDN and Local WebP modules
- New: Better REST API support in CDN and Local WebP modules
- New: CDN and Local WebP images served in WooCommerce REST API responses
- New: Local WebP compatibility with Windows IIS servers
- New: Local WebP compatibility with bedrock
- New: Local WebP compatibility with Litespeed
- New: Local WebP compatibility with Cloudways
- New: Lazy loading of background images
- Fix: Local WebP redirection doesn't work for images with special characters
- Fix: Free version of Smush creating smush-webp folder when activated
- Fix: Extra slash added to image URLs during optimization
- Fix: WP 6.3 compatibility - Skip lazyload for high priority images