Download WP Smush Pro 3.16.3 from nulled fire. WP Smush Pro optimize and resize every image and speed up your site with WP Smush Pro.
Fixed: license could not be validated @neomatrix
Fix: CDN automatic resizing option causing issues with images
New: CDN and lazy load integration with Soliloquy slider
Enhance: Native lazy loading disabled by default, added option to enable it
Enhance: Lazy load and CDN page parsing
Enhance: Summary module layout
Enhance: Image resize detection highlighting
Fix: Images with relative paths not processing by CDN
Fix: Object cache not clearing out stats during Re-Check Images action
Fix: Pages with lazy loading showing errors during W3C validation
Fix: Multiple noscript tags when lazy loading duplicate images
Fix: NextGen Re-Smush UI
Fix: Image resize settings not respecting the largest dimension