WP Staging Pro 5.4.2

Download WP Staging Pro 5.4.2 from nulled fire. WP Staging creates a clone of your website with a single click and pushes back file changes.
* Fix: Fatal error on activation (Syntax error)
* Feature: Disable sending emails on staging site
* Feature: Edit button to reconnect broken staging site
* Feature: Copy themes to tmp folder first before pushing to production site
* New: Compatible up to WordPress 5.5.1
* New: Rename Snapshots to Backup
* New: Add WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE constant for staging site
* New: Better and wider test coverage
* New: Implementing of automated CI tests
* New: Huge code base refactor for cleaner code
* New: Updated authentication mechanism for ajax requests
* New: Show welcome video message
* New: Show message asking for admin credentials on login form
* New: Move WP STAGING menu down below the menu Plugins
* New: Selected tables are highlighted with a blue background color
* Fix: Show access denied message if a non but existing user tries to access the staging site
* Fix: Remove wp_logout() in staging site login form to prevent multiple login log entries with plugin WP Activity Log
* Fix: Wrong german translations
* Fix: Cloning fails if there is no underscore in table prefix
* New: Tested up to WP 5.5.1
* Fix: Cloning fails if there is no table prefix underscore