WP Staging Pro 5.4.2

Download WP Staging Pro 5.4.2 from nulled fire. WP Staging creates a clone of your website with a single click and pushes back file changes.
* New: Add dropbox cloud storage backup provider. #1881
* New: Add support for custom domain based multisites. Network sites will be created in a subdomain. E.g.If the main site is "example.com" and the staging site destination url is "staging.example.com" then the live network site example.org will be cloned to staging.example.org and the network site example.net will be cloned to staging.example.net automatically. #2600
* New: Add more options to wp cli backup backup-create command #2468
* New: Add new contact us modal for free version to be able to provide better support to free users. #2246
* New: Create staging site as default into 'example.com/wp-content/wp-staging-sites/staging-site- name' if root folder is not writable. #2438
* Enh: Revise warnings in the symlink modal tooltip and improve the HTML syntax structure #2668
* Enh: Transform the 'click here' hyperlink into a button on the staging site to enable staging site cloning #2664
* Enh: Show admin notice on staging site if symlink option has been used to create it #2667
* Enh: Added target URL when transferring staging site to live site #2362
* Fix: Show admin notice on all pages on live or staging site if current site uses wpstgtmp_ or wpstgbak_ table prefixes as live table. #2666
* Fix: Canceling the New CLONING process would delete all tables of production site if advanced settings were used to provide custom prefix for staging site with same database and host as production site. #2665
* Fix: WP Staging backup folder gets deleted during restore on Windows OS. This can lead to an interuption and fatal error of the backup restore. #2690
* Fix: Improve condition whether a table belongs to current site table during PUSH when cleaning temporary tables. #2686
* Fix: If database tables prefix contains underscore like wp_12345, the sql backup part in multiparts backup is detected as separate backup. #2656
* Fix: Having residual tables with wpstgbak_ prefix can leads to unsuccessful PUSH and backup RESTORE. Unless the current site prefix is wpstgbak_, these tables are now removed before starting RESTORE and PUSH #2576
* Fix: Added style enhancement of changing the cursor to a pointer when interacting with the 'Contact Us' button #2662
* Fix: Copied generated login link contains inline css style. #2654
* New: Add more options to wp cli backup-create command #2668
* Enh: Increase log file storing time to 14 days. #2625
* Enh: Add admin notice to explain the new backup feature in free version #2524
* Enh: Enhance free version backup modal UI #2608
* Enh: Don't allow saving empty table prefix for a staging site when using the edit button #2572
* Fix: Use DTO instead of separate file for managing index sizes while creating backup to avoid filesystem lock. #2640
* Fix: Backup creation fails on PHP 8 because unable to get primary key for table. #2629
* Fix: Stop backup restore if no sql query is found to be executed but the backup contains a database to be restored #2560
* Fix: Show admin notice if there is no WordPress table prefix in the database #2586
* Dev: Add changelog entries in dedicated files #2623
* Dev: No changelog needed on release branches #2763
* New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.3
* New: Make UI more consistent and use same success and processing modals for staging site creation as for backup creation #2221
* Fix: Rating banner can not be dismissed #2632
* Fix: Multipart backup scheduled to be sent to google drive does not send all parts #2516
* Fix: Could not backup tables that contain multiple primary keys (composite keys) #2616
* Fix: Stop backup restore and add better logging if sql file is not readable during backup restore #2560
* Fix: New delete modal does not show all tables on sites with many db tables due to CSS issue #2221
* Fix: Resolved conflict with plugin "Admin and Site Enhancements" #2513
* Fix: Prevent UI issue and word wrapping on line that says: "No staging site found" on MacOS on Chrome #2552
* Fix: Prevent word wrapping on line that says: "No staging site found" on MacOS on Chrome #2552
* Fix: The feedback form on plugin deactivation does not send any data. #2638
* Dev: Undefined method interfaceDatabaseClient::fetchAll() in phpstan #2622
* Dev: e2e tests fail on multi sites #2631