WP User Frontend Pro - Professional 4.0.6

Download WP User Frontend Pro - Professional 4.0.6 from nulled fire. The Ultimate Frontend Solution for WordPress.Let your users manage everything from Frontend.
* [Fix] Password was not saving after registration.
* [Fix] Menu restriction feature was not working with mega menu.
* [Fix] Updated social login api.
* [Fix] Repeat field with more than one column did not render data.
* [Fix] Checkbox and radio field data were not showing properly on user listing page.
* [Fix] File type meta key in the WPUF User Listing module was not being saved.
* [Fix] Subscription reminder email was being sent at a wrong time.
* [Improvement] Updated Stripe library & set Stripe AppInfo.
* [Fix] Multistep feature in the registration form was not working in the previous version.
* [Fix] MinDate/MaxDate option in the Date/Time field was not working.
* [Fix] Schedule post meta was not updating.
* [Fix] Autocomplete turned off for date field.
* [Fix] WPUF cause a fatal error when WC Marketplace is active.