wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress 6.7

Download wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress 6.7 from nulled fire. wpDataTables is a powerful responsive Tables, Spreadsheets and Charts Data Manager.
Feature: Fixed header – fix tables’ header to the top of the scrolling window.
Feature: Fixed columns – fix tables’ columns to the left or to the right.
Feature: New table skin – Dark Mojito.
BugFix: Fixed issue with calculation functions shortcodes for sources with null/non-numeric fields.
BugFix: Fixed issue with array_combine().
Other small bug fixes
Feature: Rotation settings for column headers – choose to rotate header for 90° or -90°.
Feature: A new light skin – Mojito.
Feature: Star rating now has a new customization option – Color Picker.
Feature: New responsive option – Pagination Layout on mobile.
Improvement: Added a new hook, wpdatatables_before_render_table_config_data
BugFix: Fixed issue with browse page not loading when using certain MySQL versions.
BugFix: Fixed issue with editing single y-axis ApexCharts.
BugFix: Fixed issue with vertical/horizontal axis and dropshadow on Apexcharts.
BugFix: Fixed issue with charts when minified.js is turned on.
BugFix: Fixed issue with Powerful Filters integration for multiselectbox filters.
BugFix: Fixed issue with compatibility with the latest version of ApexCharts.
BugFix: Fixed issue with gradient for Highcharts.
BugFix: Fixed issue with translating the “Administrator” string to different languages.
Other small bug fixes
New update with bug fixes:
BugFix: Fixed issue with browse page not loading when using SQL 5.6.x versions.
Other small bug fixes