wpDiscuz Core Plugin 7.6.19

Download wpDiscuz Core Plugin 7.6.19 from nulled fire. wpDiscuz is a powerful WordPress plugin that enhances the comment section of any website.
wpDiscuz is a powerful WordPress plugin that enhances the comment section of any website. Once activated, it allows website owners to transform the default WordPress comment system into an interactive and engaging platform.

wpDiscuz seamlessly integrates with popular social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, allowing users to log in and comment using their social media accounts.

wpDiscuz Features:​

- Real-time comment system for WordPress websites
- Interactive comment box with various features such as emoticons, media attachments, and comment editing
- AJAX based comment loading for faster page loading speed
- Threaded commenting system with nested comments functionality
- Seamless integration with WordPress, compatible with all themes and plugins
- Responsive design adaptable to any device screen size
- Advanced comment management tools with options to approve, disapprove, or moderate comments
- Option to disable comments on specific posts or pages
- Social login support with Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other popular platforms
- User engagement features including upvoting/downvoting, email notifications, and automatic subscription options
- Powerful anti-spam system to prevent comment spamming
- Built-in comment voting and rating system
- Extensive customization options for comment layouts, colors, and user interactions
- Integration with popular caching plugins for optimized performance
- Multilingual support with translation options for different languages
- Continuous development with regular updates and bug fixes.

wpDiscuz Core Plugin

(5.4 MB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By