wpDiscuz - Google reCAPTCHA 7.0.4

Download wpDiscuz - Google reCAPTCHA 7.0.4 from nulled fire. The wpDiscuz Google reCAPTCHA addon offers a robust solution for protecting your website’s comments.
wpDiscuz - Google reCAPTCHA is a powerful WordPress plugin that enhances the comment system on your website by providing an additional layer of security.

wpDiscuz - Google reCAPTCHA is an essential tool for website owners looking to improve user interaction and protect their website from unwanted spam.

wpDiscuz - Google reCAPTCHA Features:​

- Integrates Google reCAPTCHA with the wpDiscuz comment plugin for WordPress
- Provides an added layer of security by preventing spam comments
- Allows users to easily verify that they are not robots before posting comments
- Compatible with both V2 and V3 reCAPTCHA versions
- Offers three different reCAPTCHA styles: dark, light, and invisible
- Allows customizing the appearance and position of the reCAPTCHA box
- Provides options to display reCAPTCHA on various pages, including comment forms and registration pages
- Supports multiple reCAPTCHA keys for different domains
- Offers features like language customization, error message customization, and user-friendly verification methods
- Designed to work seamlessly with any WordPress theme
- Provides detailed documentation and support for any technical issues associated with integrating Google reCAPTCHA with wpDiscuz.

recaptcha wpdiscuz
wpDiscuz - Google reCAPTCHA

(8 KB / .zip) File Size
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