WPForms Basic

Download WPForms Basic from nulled fire. WPForms the most powerful and user-friendly WordPress form builder in the market.
### Fixed
- "Cannot modify header information" warning in Pro/Access/Capabilities.php.
- Can't add new line in textareas in the form builder (Notifications > Message etc).
- Choices editing block inside the form builder is hidden if creating a form using a template.
### Added
- Number Slider field.
- reCAPTCHA field in Form Builder allowing to easily manage the reCAPTCHA for a form.
- Label setting for HTML fields to more easily identify them inside the form builder.
- Ability to display Entry ID and Entry Notes columns in a list of form entries.
- Entry Log metabox for a single entry view, tracks starring/unstarring and reading/unreading entry.
- Admin area quick links menu.
- Analytics sub-menu page.
- SMTP sub-menu page.
- New advanced option for Page Break field: disable scroll animation.
### Added
- Default value for "Paragraph text" field.