WPMU DEV - Beehive Pro (Google Analytics +) 3.4.15

Download WPMU DEV - Beehive Pro (Google Analytics +) 3.4.15 from nulled fire. Google Analytics + lets you quickly access a post, page, site, or network performance overview
New: Add dashboard page.
New: Statistics page using SUI.
New: Statistics widget using SUI.
New: White labelling support.
New: Ability to clear statistics cache from plugin settings.
New: Rest endpoints for statistics and settings.
New: New filters for domain mapping support.
Improve: UX to connect with Google.
Improve: Use ChartJS for all charts except Geo Chart.
Improve: Caching & transient usage.
Improve: Store plugin version in subsites for the upgrade process.
Improve: Merge reports and permission settings.
Fix: Domain mapping support.
Improve: Use Select2 for Google Analytics view selector.
Fix: WP 5.3.1 breaks statistics when an array is passed to wp_kses_post.
  • New: Added filter beehive_google_api_error_log to enable debug log for API errors.
  • Improve: The re-authentication message.
  • Fix: Conflict with Remould theme.
  • Fix: Wrong legend text in the visitors section.
  • Fix: Empty stats when a page is set as front page.
  • Fix: Admin page tracking issues in subsites.