Version 1.9.5
- Fixed problem with a strange directory in plugins folder after an update.
- Added backlink on "Edit Ultimate Color Schema" on "Color Schemes" module.
- Added "Facebook", "Twitter" and "G+" link to "Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode" module.
- Added timer to "Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode" module.
- Improved default value for modules configuration. Props for Trinetta.
- Improved UX on "Admin Bar" configuration screen.
- Improved WP query in "Admin Tips" module to avoid conflicts with another plugin.
- Refactored plugin main file and plugin load configuration.
- Removed module "Signup Password" and move functionality to "Login Screen" module.
- Added filters "ultimatebranding_available_modules" and "ultimatebranding_activated_modules".
- Added new option to "Custom Login Screen": background for the button in the different state: focus, hover & active.
- Added new option to "Custom Login Screen": redirect after login.
- Added new option to "Custom Login Screen": redirect after logout.
- Added new option to "Custom Login Screen": "Remember Me" can be checked by default.
- Cleanup base code: remove opendir() usage.
- Fixed a problem with background color in modules "Color Schemes".
- Fixed a problem with image size in "Admin Menu" module.
- Fixed a problem with incorrect email in "Signup Password" module.
- Fixed a problem with text change on strings with sprintf() placeholders.
- Fixed problem with "Admin Bar" custom CSS on the frontend.
- Improved configuration.
- Improved module "Comming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode" - now you can choose sites to be handled by this module.
- Improved UX on main screen of "Color Schemes" module.
- Improvement: Moved document configuration up for module "Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode".
- Improvement: Turn off the ability to add tips on "Branding" pages.
Added new module "Image Upload Size" to allow setup upload limit per role.
Added ability to import custom admin bar menus.
Fixed a problem with warnings in "E-mail Template" module.
Fixed display problem of Dashboard Feeds when feed URL contains some special characters.
Fixed display problem of Dashboard Feeds when the title is empty.
Fixed incompatibility with iThemes sync.
Fixed problem with "reset section to default" for module "Comming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode".
Fixed problem with slashes for module "Comming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode".
Fixed quotes problem in modules: "Admin Panel Tips" and "Dashboard Text Widgets".
Improved CSS styles loading - now we avoid to load two of them when it is not necessary.
Removed "Save Changes" button from "Export & Import" module.
Removed PHP 4 class constructor.