WPMU DEV - Hustle Pro 7.8.4

Download WPMU DEV - Hustle Pro 7.8.4 from nulled fire. Hustle has got the charm, he’s got the sass, and he’s super smooth!
New: Ability to display modules N times per day/week/month/year
New: Make whole module a clickable CTA
Enhance: White Labeling plugin name
Enhance: Module accessibility
Enhance: Conditional visibility for modules with CTA when 2 buttons are used
Enhance: Allow customizing Close Button size
Enhance: Compatibility with PHP 8.2
Fix: W3C issue with style sheets
Fix: Compatibility issue with ACF Pro plugin
Fix: Divi theme issue - Triggering module using link ID does not work
Enhance: Security improvements.
Fix: Helper Text font style cannot be reset
Fix: Title and Subtitle alignments are not working after reset
Fix: Embed Title is being cut off when you use Halloween Template
Fix: Redirect URL input field for CTA 2 doesn't show by default in Embed when starting from scratch
Enhance: Security improvements