WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl 3.10.5

Download WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl 3.10.5 from nulled fire. SmartCrawl does just that; it makes your content easy to find on search engines like Google and Bing
New: Yoast & All-In-One SEO importers.
New: 'Refresh' button for content & readability analysis modules.
New: ability to set twitter cards details on post and type level.
Fix: compatibility with New Blog Templates plugin.
Fix: spelling and grammar issues.
Fix: duplicate info text in "No Image Alts" section of seo analysis.
Fix: support for Themify themes.
Fix: readability analysis summary outputting html tags.
Fix: saving draft or publishing posts closes the smartcrawl module.
Fix: problems in "Add All to Sitemap" button.
Fix: incorrect number of missing url's on main dashboard.
New: make Analysis dash widget results numeric and items clickable.
New: add OpenGraph and Twitter options for taxonomies.
New: exclude full URLs from sitemap.
New: grey out deactivated modules in site owner permissions.
New: enable styled sitemap on fresh setups.
Fix: increase recommended description length from 160 to 230 chars.
Fix: redirection resolution on archive pages.
Fix: spelling and grammar issues.
Fix: UI and styling issues.
Fix: checkup scan tracking auto-update.
Fix: update option label copies.
Fix: update info links.
Fix: admin menu style issues in Firefox.
Fix: background color style issues.
Fix: conflict with Divi theme.
Fix: configuring links destinations when sitewide mode is active.
Fix: unifiy analysis status results.
Fix: BBPress compatibility issue with generated URLs.
Fix: update error strings on import/export issues.
Fix: sitemap items listed twice in audit report.
Fix: title tag on custom post type archives issue.
Fix: conflict with Movedo theme.
Fix: do not calculate disabled analysis results.
Fix: empty ignore URLs list clears sitemaps.
Fix: user name not shown for reporting.
  • Fix: Jetpack compatibility issue