WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl 3.10.6

Download WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl 3.10.6 from nulled fire. SmartCrawl does just that; it makes your content easy to find on search engines like Google and Bing
Fix: revert changes causing WSOD on some sites
Fix: Allow data import from Yoast 8.x
Fix: Updated plugin version constant to latest version for cache busting
New: support for custom post type archives
New: noindex/nofollow for post types
New: new OpenGraph tags og:url, og:type, og:image:width and og:image:height
New: code optimization
New: integration test suite for quality assurance
New: link each page to the relevant documentation section on the plugin website
New: import social profile links from AIOSEOP
New: dynamically adjust the toggles under "Site Owner Permissions"
New: update Google result preview when content is changed
New: prompt requesting reviews on WP.org
Fix: hide settings for disabled modules from plugin dashboard
Fix: BuddyPress group titles missing
Fix: links to enable OpenGraph and Twitter settings pointing to inaccessible pages
Fix: duplicate text in SEO Checkup section of metabox
Fix: plugin css conflicting with some WP admin components
Fix: analysis indicators not displaying correct colors in WP post list
Fix: settings need to be saved before reports for SEO Checkup are sent
Fix: on WP dashboard, 'update sitemap' link in the sitemap widget not working
Fix: typo in opengraph settings
Fix: when new URL scan is run, the URL Crawler section not loaded automatically
Fix: google/bing verification codes from yoast not imported correctly
Fix: columns in the post tables take more space then they should
Fix: google verification meta can't be removed once added
Fix: meta description not working on WooCommerce shop page
Fix: redundant save settings button under URL Crawler report
Fix: typo in the upgrade popup
Fix: when import from yoast notice dismissed, it comes back on page load
Fix: seo column in post list shows wrong color indicator when focus keyword missing
Fix: google/bing verification tags disappear when sitemap settings saved
Fix: XML sitemap opened in the current tab
Fix: when "Upgrade to Pro" clicked, pro version details opened in the current tab
Fix: values under "Site Owner Permissions" not saved when everything turned off
Fix: last checked time on SEO Checkup inconsistent
Fix: if modules disabled by network admin, site admin can still see them in settings
Fix: autolinks page has "TBC" as the description of a setting
Fix: author archive meta description not saved
Fix: dashboard sections display number of issues even if the corresponding module is disabled
Fix: on network sub-sites, disabled modules not behaving properly
Fix: previews are not refreshing on title and meta admin page
Fix: url crawler not always listing the URLs resulting in errors
Fix: hide SEO Checkup on network sub-sites
Fix: remove code for old google site verification settings
Fix: date archive settings not respected
Fix: admin bar menu should always match the admin menu
Fix: in url crawler, no message is shown when all missing urls added to sitemap
Fix: MOZ metabox not styled
Fix: Redirect Attachments options in Advanced Tools not saved when in off state
Fix: automatic linking toggle in post metabox displays wrong state
Fix: redundant MarketPress options
Fix: autolinks "Exclusions" don't work when "Case Sensitive Matching" is off
Fix: autolinks "Min Lengths" setting not working consistently
Fix: twitter settings for date archives not working consistently
Fix: meta description settings for search and 404 pages not working consistently
Fix: google verification meta settings not working consistently
Fix: quick edit fields not loading values
Fix: unwanted space before date archive title
Fix: minor inconsistencies in SEO analysis
Fix: no error message displayed when default user removed in reporting section under SEO Checkup
Fix: statistics on dashboard not refreshed when checkup completes in SEO Checkup section
Fix: MOZ data displayed even when wrong credentials added