WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl 3.10.6

Download WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl 3.10.6 from nulled fire. SmartCrawl does just that; it makes your content easy to find on search engines like Google and Bing
New: New filters for modifying Open Graph values
New: Improved accuracy of readability analysis
Fix: Missing columns on the post list page
Fix: Certain websites throwing 404 error on redirection
Fix: SEO metabox shown for non-public posts
Fix: Better Gutenberg compatibility
Fix: Warning on sitemap settings page
Fix: Added ability to increase analysis request timeout
Fix: Improved autoloader performance
Fix: Warning in metabox placeholder loader
Fix: Inaccurate preview when more recent post revision available
Fix: Update the AIOSEOP importer to include the latest version
Fix: Stylesheet URL incorrect in sub-site sitemaps
Fix: Show the WP.org rating request to admins only
New: URL redirection to external domains
Fix: SEO and readability analysis of password-protected posts
Fix: sitemap throws error if there's an image with ampersand sign
Fix: metabox showing details from other posts when globals modified
Fix: better autolinks compatibility with unicode languages
Fix: code improvements for sitemap dashboard
Fix: twitter and OG issues on static posts page
Fix: third-party import notice appears for very old data
Fix: conflicts on woocommerce shop page