WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl 3.10.6

Download WPMU DEV - SmartCrawl 3.10.6 from nulled fire. SmartCrawl does just that; it makes your content easy to find on search engines like Google and Bing
Improvement: React-based SEO Health checkup.
Improvement: Redirect attachment pages to the file.
Improvement: Alert for enabling page builder support in auto-linking.
Fix: Broken icons.
Fix: http:// added to the Twitter username field after saving.
Fix: Property cannot be added when optional label field is not filled in Schema.
Fix: Can't update SmartCrawl Settings in Mapped domain (WP Ultimo).
Fix: Excluded URLs showing as missing in the Sitemap crawler.
Fix: URL encoding for Chinese characters.
Fix: Schema error on Reviews.
Fix: Translations are not working on the free version.
Fix: Broken link to developer docs.
New: Multiple keywords analysis.
New: SEO status column on taxonomy list.
New: Check if URL contains underscores.
New: Check for recommending a hand-crafted meta description.
New: Check if all external links are nofollow links.
New: Ability to disable SEO and Readability analysis status in the post list.
New: Filter to add extra images to SmartCrawl sitemap.
Improvement: Update meta description length recommendation.
Improvement: Show a notice when the current language is not supported for content analysis.
Improvement: List the posts using the same keyword for SEO analysis.
Improvement: Include featured images in content analysis.
Improvement: Remove redundant sitewide settings notice.
Fix: Issues with Yoast SEO settings import.
Fix: Unable to run SEO health check.
Fix: Conflict with Yoast SEO.
Fix: Custom meta tags are not updated.
Fix: og:URLs are not picking up correctly for BuddyPress.
Fix: Issues on settings reset.
Fix: jQuery compatibility issues.
Fix: FAQ Schema is not added if the location is set to be a specific post.
Fix: Cache issues on post excerpts auto-linking.
Fix: SEO Analysis can't check focus keywords with special characters in the URL.
Fix: SEO Analysis custom setup not detecting subheadings.
Fix: Can't delete custom links in automatic linking settings.
Fix: Focus keywords are detected if they are bolded.
Fix: Refresh button in content analysis SEO analysis does not always work.
Fix: Invalid sanitization of Facebook App ID.
New: Option to disable object cache for auto-linked content.
Fix: Autolinking conflicts with several themes and page builders.