WPMU DEV - Snapshot Pro 4.21.1

Download WPMU DEV - Snapshot Pro 4.21.1 from nulled fire. Snapshot creates full site automated and on-demand backups to both local and cloud servers.
Bug: Resolved restoration issues on some servers
Bug: Resolved file backup issues on certain servers
Bug: Fixed base backup size problem during rotation
Bug: Eliminated duplicate appearance of "log does not exit" notice
Bug: Snapshot Installer now detects the database password correctly
Improvement: Ensured compatibility with PHP version 8.2
Improvement: Snapshot Installer is now compatible with PHP version 8.2
Improvement: Enhanced consistency in applying configurations
Improvement: Refined minor UI elements for an improved user experience
Bug: PHP Deprecated Warnings
Bug: Authentication issues with the Account
Bug: Display of "Couldn't return info for the running backup" error
Bug: Backup retention issues
Bug: Compatibility issues with WP Hide Security Enhancer plugin
Improvement: Minor UI improvements on Backup Restoration