WPMU DEV - WP Defender Pro 4.7.1

Download WPMU DEV - WP Defender Pro 4.7.1 from nulled fire. Defender is the analyst and enforcer that never sleeps.
New: Add a separate Tutorials sub-menu and X-icon to remove it from the Dashboard
Improvement: Change mention of blacklist and whitelist to blocklist and allowlist on Defender pages
Improvement: Change Documentation links for Firewall and Malware Scanning
Improvement: Config Improvements
Fix: Display custom login forms if the Defender Masking URL is enabled
Fix: Receive email from Defender security tweaks daily
Fix: Activate 'Mask Login Area' through the Defender dashboard
Fix: Correct display of the Audit log for a new registered user with other than Subscriber role in MU
Fix: Masked login alters ajaxurl in MU in sites table page
Fix: Remove 'ambient-light-sensor', 'picture-in-picture', 'speaker' and 'vr' directives from Feature-Policy header
Other minor enhancements and fixes
- New: Feature to save presets configurations of the Defender's settings, and make them available to download and apply to your other sites.
- New: Add tutorials section in the Defender dashboard.
- Improvement: Allow to bulk delete suspicious files
- Improvement: Improve the logic of how "Include sub-domains" option should be shown on the Strict Transport Security header
- Fix: Prevent wp-signup.php to access when Mask Login is enabled.
- Fix: 2FA login does not redirect correctly after login via the my-account page of Woocommerce
- Remove: Change default database prefix, as this can be bypass.
- Other minor enhancements and fixes
Improvement: Change the description for X-Content-Type-Options security header
Fix: The WAF widget and WAF page will be hidden when white label activated
Fix: Include Subdomain option for Strict Transport security header
Fix: Cron for Audit logs
Other minor enhancements and fixes