X - The Theme 10.4.19

Download X - The Theme 10.4.19 from nulled fire. X The Theme includes multiple unique designs inside of one powerful theme
Updated: Accordions ARIA setup was giving errors related towards usage of `tablist` and the headers not having a `role`
Updated: Anchor toggles like Off-Canvas send a role for better ARIA support
Bugfix: RSS social icon when in webfont mode was not displaying
Bugfix: Github social icon when in SVG mode was not displaying
Bugfix: Card element flips for up and right direction looked like they were collapsing in on themselves
Bugfix: Image detection was giving a warning for sites with a `/` in the a name of a valid image size
Bugfix: Parameter control choose was starting in the breakout state
Bugfix: Add to Cart buttons were getting a duplicate icon
Bugfix: When Jetpack was installed, videos using mejs would not be visible
Bugfix: Scrolling links that used a hashtag valid on the page, but to a different path, would not redirect the page
Bugfix: Design Cloud button in validation home page did not take you to the templates section
Bugfix: If another plugin was including an older version of the TGMA library, the plugins page would have a fatal error around the bulk updater url
Bugfix: Lottie was displaying builder text (`Loading...`) in the frontend