X - The Theme 10.4.19

Download X - The Theme 10.4.19 from nulled fire. X The Theme includes multiple unique designs inside of one powerful theme
Bugfix: Custom Attributes would not use Dynamic Content if being used on a Component that did not have Custom Attributes
Updated: Internal WordPress name of our layouts was always "Layouts" and not more specific like "Single Layout" and "Archive Layout"
Updated: Validation message changed in Admin
Bugfix: A round of PHP 8 deprecation removals related to undefined class properties
Bugfix: When importing a Site, if you had never saved in Theme Options "Enable Font Manager" would never be unchecked which is not used on certain sites like "Crafty"
Bugfix: X 9 to 10 upgrade would not properly unset "Enable Font Manager" changing the fonts on certain site upgrades
Bugfix: Anchor Subindicator nested trigger did not work on Font Awesome SVG mode
Feature: X header subindicator icon control in Theme Options
Bugfix: X headers shifting the layout due to a lack of clear both