YITH Point Of Sale For WooCommerce (POS) 3.1.0

Download YITH Point Of Sale For WooCommerce (POS) 3.1.0 from nulled fire. YITH Point of Sale for WooCommerce turns WooCommerce to powerful cash register.
* New: support for WooCommerce 4.5
* Update: plugin framework
* Update: language files
* New: support for WooCommerce 4.3
* Update: plugin framework
* Update: language files
* Fix: scrolling issues in category view
* Fix: tax rounding issue
* Fix: issues when some payment methods have empty amount when paying through POS
* Fix: scan product by SKU when there are restrictions for categories in Register
* Tweak: prevent notices when retrieving orders through REST API
* Tweak: added login messages and errors
* Tweak: improved search speed
* Tweak: set the default value for 'tax status' field to 'Enabled' when creating a new product in POS
* Tweak: improved search by SKU when scanning a product
* Tweak: fixed style issue in placeholders of select fields in Registers
* Tweak: limit the 'Popular Tendered' suggestions to 6 to prevent style issues
* Dev: added yith_pos_order_processed_after_showing_details action
* Dev: added yith_pos_default_selected_payment_gateway filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_coupon_custom_discount_amount filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_coupon_custom_discounts_array filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_is_product_coupon filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_is_cart_coupon filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_coupon_is_valid_for_product filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_coupon_is_valid_for_cart filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_cart_item_product_name filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_show_stock_badge_in_search_results filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_receipt_order_item_name_quantity filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_header_menu_items filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_receipt_order_item_price filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_product_list_query_args filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_product_section_tabs filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_search_include_variations filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_search_include_searching_by_sku filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_scan_product_tab_active_default filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_new_product_default_data filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_customer_to_update filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_customer_use_email_as_username filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_customer_to_create filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_cart_item_product_price filter in react
* New: support for WooCommerce 4.2
* New: restock items automatically after refunds
* Update: plugin framework
* Update: language files
* Fix: issue when adding cash-in-end and closing the register
* Fix: issue when editing customer
* Dev: added yith_pos_product_get_meta filter in React
* Dev: added yith_pos_show_price_including_tax_in_receipt filter
* Dev: added yith_pos_show_tax_row_in_receipt filter