YITH Stripe Connect for WooCommerce Premium 2.31.0

Download YITH Stripe Connect for WooCommerce Premium 2.31.0 from nulled fire. Accept money and pay out to third parties on your marketplace with Stripe Connect
* New: support for WordPress 5.3
* New: support for WooCommerce 3.8
* New: support for 2019-11-05 API
* Update: Plugin framework
* Update: StripePHP library
* Fix: notice when registering failed payment attempt
* Fix: deprecated function called on verify_intent error handling
* Dev: added new parameter to yith_wcsc_create_commission filter
* Tweak: minified checkout js
* Tweak: reviewed renew_needs_action subject to remove HTML string
* Tweak: moved methods to set card as default and delete card from gateway to main class
* Tweak: changed conditions that triggers renew_needs_action email sending, to be more specific
* Tweak: after registering failed renew attempt, get order again to account for any status change
* Update: Italian language
* Update: Dutch language
* Fix: fixed language files name
* Fix: payment intent missing customer for guest users
* New: support for SCA-ready payment methods
* New: extended card management, even without YITH WooCommerce Subscription enabled
* New: renew needs payment email (only when used with YITH WooCommerce Subscription)
* New: support for 2019-09-09 API version
* Update: internal plugin framework
* Update: Stripe PHP to version 7.0.2
* Update: Italian language
* Fix: avoiding duplicated connection attempts
* Dev: added new action 'yith_wcsc_after_disconnect_with_stripe' after user disconnect from Stripe
* Dev: filter yith_wcsc_disconnect_from_stripe_button_text and filter yith_wcsc_connect_with_stripe_button_text