Download YITH WooCommerce Affiliates Premium 3.15.0 from nulled fire. YITH Woocommerce Affiliates Premium is a powerful plugin designed for online store owners.
New: field to user profile, to let admin set current permanent affiliate token for the user
New: option to let admin choose that referral cookie won't change once set, till its expiration
New: capability for the admin to set an affiliate for an unassigned order
New: capability for the admin to remove an affiliate and relative commissions from an order
New: Delete bulk action for payments
New: option to force commissions deletion
New: added Hungarian - HUNGARY translation (thanks to Szabolcs)
Tweak: text domain to yith-woocommerce-affiliates. IMPORTANT: this will delete all previous translations
Tweak: send paid email at yith_wcaf_commission_status_paid
Tweak: complete revision for paid commissions emails triggers
Tweak: delete notes while deleting commission
Fix: email replacements
Fix: delete method for payments
Fix: commission paid email trigger
Fix: commission delete process
Fix: commission notes delete process
Dev: added yith_wcaf_notify_user_pending_commission filter to let third party plugin prevent or enable pending commission notification
Dev: added yith_wcaf_notify_user_paid_commissions filter to let third party plugin prevent or enable paid commission notification
Dev: added yith_wcaf_affiliate_rate filter to let third party plugin customize affiliate commission rate
Dev: added yith_wcaf_use_percentage_rates filter to let switch from percentage rate to fixed amount (use it at your own risk, as no control over item total is performed)
Dev: added yith_wcaf_become_an_affiliate_redirection filter to let third party plugin customize redirection after "Become an Affiliate" butotn is clicked
Dev: added yith_wcaf_become_affiliate_button_text filter to let third party plugin change Become Affiliate button label
Dev: added yith_wcaf_persistent_rate filter to let third party plugin enable/disable persistent rate
Dev: added yith_wcaf_payment_email_required filter to let third party plugin to remove payment email from affiliate registration form
Dev: added yith_wcaf_create_order_commissions filter, to let dev skip commission handling
Dev: added filters yith_wcaf_before_dashboard_section and yith_wcaf_after_dashboard_section
Dev: added hooks after payment status change
Dev: added yith_wcaf_get_current_affiliate_token function to get current affiliate token
Dev: added yith_wcaf_get_current_affiliate function to get current affiliate object
Dev: added yith_wcaf_get_current_affiliate_user function to get current affiliate user object