YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote Premium 4.22.0

Download YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote Premium 4.22.0 from nulled fire. YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote has been explicitly conceived to grant a meeting point
New: Support to WooCommerce 3.6.0
New: Email confirmation for customer
Tweak: Automatic Quotes, now it is possible to sent immediately quotes without cron settings
Tweak: Added checkout button label option
Update: Plugin Framework 3.1.28
Update: Language Files
Update: Dompdf library 0.8.3
Fix: Fixed possible issue with default form on settings tab
Fix: Fixed empty list message
Fix: Fixed quote prices when the quote is sent from checkout
Dev: New action 'ywraq_after_create_order_from_checkout'
Dev: New filter yith_ywraq_quote_list_empty_message inside the widget
Update: Plugin Framework 3.1.23
Update: Language Files
Tweak: Remove discount coupon on cart if the quantity of a product is less than the quantity on quote
Fix: Fixed link add to quote for variables
Fix: Get default value of $override_shipping if not stored yet
Fix: Fixed check if product is excluded for yith_ywraq_button_quote shortcode
Fix: Fixed ReCaptcha conflicts with YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account
Dev: Add filter for frontend action list
Dev: Added trigger for widget refreshed 'yith_ywraq_widget_refreshed'
Dev: Added checkbox case to print a value for 1 and 0 as Yes and No, also added a filter for each text: 'yith_wraq_checkbox_yes_text' and 'yith_wraq_checkbox_no_text'
Dev: Added filters 'ywraq_email_filled_form_fields' and ywraq_gf_title_desc
Dev: Added key to wpml-config.xml
New: Option to add the Quote Author inside the PDF Header
Tweak: Added 'add to quote' button for YITH Composite Product type on loop
Tweak: Send customer email when the order is on-hold
Tweak: Send an email to admin when a quote change status from pending quote to on hold
Tweak: Session creation
Update: Plugin Framework 3.1.15
Update: Language Files
Fix: Send customer processing email and new order email, when a quote change status from ywraq-pending to processing
Fix: Refresh the widget when the quantity is updated on quote list
Fix: Fixed quote table list template
Fix: WPML with YITH Product Add-ons attached files
Fix: Fixed product subtotal on widgets
Fix: Adjust price in composite products
Fix: Add $order->save after set new quote function
Fix: Check rqa_captcha value
Dev: Added do_action 'ywraq_added_to_quote_by_url' in add_to_quote_action on success so you can redirect to request quote page if asked