* New: WooCommerce 3.4 compatibility
* New: WordPress 4.9.6 compatibility
* New: updated plugin framework
* New: GDPR compliance
* New: register dateadded field for the lists
* Tweak: replaced create_function with a proper class method, to improve compatibility with PHP 7.2 and avoid warnings
* Fix: js error when switching from Premium version to Free
* Fix: preventing add_rewrite_rule when WPML is active, to avoid possible Internal Server Error (thanks to Adri & Bruno)
* Fix: icon replacement not working on variable Add to Cart
* Fix: preventing warning "Illegal string offset" when get_availability() returns empty string instead of array
* Update: Italian language
* Dev: added filter yith_wcwl_redirect_url
* Dev: added filter yith_wcwl_login_notice