YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium 4.0.1

Download YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium 4.0.1 from nulled fire. YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium allows you to add Wishlist functionality to your e-commerce.
New: support for WordPress 5.7
New: support for WooCommerce 5.1
Update: YITH plugin framework
Fix: wrong data type for item insert query (thanks to jonatanmenendez)
Dev: added new yith_wcwl_get_wishlist_on_remove filter
* New: support for WooCommerce 4.9
* Update: plugin framework
* Tweak: corrected wrong text domain for a string
* Tweak: improved product name sanitization on wishlist template
* Tweak: added variation details to Ask an Estimate email
* Tweak: improved code style for all email templates
* Fix: wishlist search not working for guest users
* Dev: added fifth parameter for yith_wcwl_add_to_wishlist_button_html filter
* Dev: added new yith_wcwl_promotion_email_item filter
* New: support for WordPress 5.6
* New: support for WooCommerce 4.7
* New: possibility to update plugin via WP-CLI
* Update: plugin framework
* Update: french translation
* Tweak: search view now shows matching wishlists instead of all the lists of matching customers
* Tweak: default wishlist sorting now places last added item as heading item
* Fix: avoid using localized string as param name for bulk action on wishlists table
* Fix: prevent possible fatal errors due to missing email classes
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_reload_on_found_variation filter to allow dev programmatically disable ATW reload on found_variation
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_wishlist_view_images_after_thumbnail action
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_modern_wishlist_empty_message filter
* Dev: added yith_wcwl_ask_estimate_email_wishlist_name filter
* Dev: removed deprecated .ready method from scripts