Porto - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme 7.3.2

Download Porto - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme 7.3.2 from nulled fire. Porto is an Responsive Wordpress + eCommerce Theme that is extremely customizable
- Updated: language files
- Fixed: minor style issues for WC Vendors plugin
- Fixed: product order was not working for Porto products elements when using product ids field
- Fixed: quantity input field style issue on single product page which uses custom product layout
- Fixed: Portfolios and members grid layout columns issue for devices using 1.5 pixel ratio
- Fixed: wrong message on woocommerce login form when generating username automatically
+ Added: Shop 32 Demo
+ Added: Shop 33 Demo
+ Added: custom product layout builder
+ Added: Elementor plugin compatibility
+ Added: skeleton screen effects on loading page and ajax loading. It can be enabled in Theme Options -> General.
+ Added: lazy load menu in Speed Optimize Wizard
+ Added: list display type for porto products filter element
+ Added: porto_sidebar_menu element to add sidebar menu to the page
+ Added: new blocks to Porto Studio for shop 32 and homepage revolution sliders
+ Added: a theme option under Theme Options -> Header -> Mobile Panel -> Add Search Box to add search in mobile panel
+ Added: a theme option under Theme Options -> Header -> Sticky Header -> Show Contact Info to show contact info in sticky header

- Updated: Shop 1 Demo
- Updated: Shop 2 Demo
- Updated: Shop 4 Demo
- Updated: Shop 11 Demo
- Updated: Shop 13 Demo
- Updated: lazy load background images
- Updated: options to enable sticky header for mobile and tablets only
- Updated: used transparent images for png on page loading when using lazy load images
- Updated: Porto Masonry Container element by adding predefined masonry layouts
- Updated: Porto Interactive Banner element by adding layers and more hover effects
- Updated: select box of masonry grid layout fields to images selector for some visual composer elements in editor
- Updated: some Porto Studio blocks for shop 1, 2, 4, 11 and 13 according to the updated design
- Updated: documentation by adding contents about custom product layout builder
- Updated: Woocommerce 3.8.0 compatibility

- Fixed: style issues for Porto Masonry Container and Interactive Banner element in Visual Composer frontend editor
- Fixed: some js warnings on Firefox
- Fixed: WooCommerce product page element not working fine
- Fixed: footer links not working when using footer reveal efffect
- Fixed: minor compatibility issues with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin when using WPML Currency Switcher plugin together
- Fixed: Visual Composer shortcodes rendering issue on product quickview
- Fixed: Porto Tab element image not showing for some styles
- Fixed: Carousel elements not working well in Porto Tour element
- Fixed: minor mobile header style issues for shop demos
- Fixed: header type 2 sticky header style issue
- Fixed: standard image sizes (thumbnail, medium, large and medium_large) not working for image size field of porto recent posts and porto blog elements
- Fixed: column padding issue in Visual Composer front-end editor
- Fixed: main side navigation was not scrolling on iOS Safari