StudioPress Altitude Pro 1.5.1

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Download StudioPress Altitude Pro 1.5.1 from nulled fire. Altitude Pro Genesis Theme is a great WordPress Theme
* Added: no-js/js body class.
* Added: Implement preconnect for Google Fonts.
* Changed: Use null in place of theme version for Google Fonts URL.
* Changed: Update Google Font URL to latest version. The Ek Mukta font is now known as Mukta. Updating the font name also makes the theme compatible with the [OMGF plugin](
* Changed: Improved default color option accessibility.
* Changed: Improved color accessibility of mobile menu button.
* Changed: Footer menu padding to improve tap target area.
* Changed: Use built-in Genesis Framework responsive menu scripts.
* Changed: Use non-jQuery script to identify scroll position for use in CSS for header scroll appearance.
* Fixed: CSS to improve content layout shift (CLS) scores and user experience (UX).
* Fixed: Ensure the hamburger menu button icon and text CSS transitions match.
* Fixed: Register widgets on after_setup_theme to ensure widget headings use accessible heading levels.
* Removed: Smooth scroll script in favor of CSS.
* Removed: matchHeight script used for creating even WooCommerce product height in favor of CSS.
Altitude Pro 1.4.0 requires WordPress 5.4 or higher.

* Added: CSS styles for WordPress 5.4 Social Icons.
* Added: Editor styles to ensure theme colors work for inline text colors.
* Added: Automatic color contrast for theme background color palette.
* Changed: Combined all Block Editor and theme appearance options into a single file at config/appearance.php.
* Changed: WooCommerce block CSS styling to be consistent with other styles.
* Changed: Blockquote styles for better integration with the block editor.
* Changed: Use Google Fonts font-display query parameter &display=swap.
* Changed: Editor and front-end styles for WordPress 5.4 and Gutenberg plugin 7.9+ compatibility, including link color, buttons, headings, and lists.
* Changed: Use genesis_get_theme_handle() and genesis_get_theme_version() functions from Genesis 3.0.0 in place of declaring CHILD_THEME_NAME and CHILD_THEME_VERSION constants.
* Changed: Use PHP short array syntax.
* Fixed: Prevent an issue where the WooCommerce shop page layout could be ignored and fall back to the site default layout on sites that use object caching.
* Fixed: Missing footer widget area.