- Seller
- #61
Apanha updated Mailster - Email Newsletter Plugin for WordPress to Version: 2.3.17
Read the Changelog... for Version: 2.3.17
Read the Changelog... for Version: 2.3.17
improved: you can now encode tags output with an exclamation mark {!mytag}.
improved: drag n drop images from your desktop now respects cropped image setting.
improved: import screen.
improved: test mails now fallback to the current users email if not defined.
improved: subscriber query now search for ID as well.
fixed: notifications to multiple addresses.
fixed: modules without content sometimes preserve in the campaign.
fixed: issue with RSS campaigns on time based autoresponders.
- fixed: issue saving “send campaign only once” option
- fixed: duplication of finished campaign no longer breaks module selection
- improved: some fields are now stored urlencoded for better emoji support in databases with collation other than utf8mb4
- changed: action hook auto responders no longer sent to all subscribers if subscriber id is set to false (use null instead)
fixed: single quote in subject now correctly encoded
- tested with WordPress 5.3
- fixed: potential XSS vulnerable on the subscribers detail page identified by Compass Security
- fixed: single quote in subject now correctly encoded
- fixed: confirm redirection issues on some installations
- change: Redirect after submit and Redirect after confirmation must be a URL
MemberPress - Mailster Add-on
Woocommerce Follow-up Emails
Email Customizer For Woocommerce
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