Download SEOPress PRO 8.4 from nulled fire. Optimize Quickly and Easily the Seo of Your Wordpress Site with SEOPress PRO.


Staff member
Apanha updated SEOPress PRO with a new update entry:


  • NEW Review schema: Add item type CreativeWorkSeason, CreativeWorkSeries, Episode, Game, MediaObject, MusicPlaylist, MusicRecording, Organization to solve “Thing is not a known valid target type for the itemReviewed property.”
  • NEW Add custom tracking code just before the body closing tag
  • NEW Add an option to display/hide any SEO metaboxes for each custom post type
  • NEW ‘seopress_custom_footer_tracking’ hook to filter additional tracking code in body footer...

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Staff member
Apanha updated SEOPress PRO with a new update entry:


NEW Add SiteNavigationElement schema (SEO > PRO > Structured data types to enable this schema on your main menu)
INFO Add compatibility to Oxygen Builder for additional tracking code (body tag)
INFO add new characters to content analysis to avoid “NAN” error
FIX Change CSV seperator for Export metadata tool (‘,’ to ‘;’) to match import metadata tool seperator
FIX Export CSV in specific cases
FIX XML sitemaps if WordPress is located in a subdirectory
FIX Short description for WooCommerce in...

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Staff member
Apanha updated SEOPress PRO with a new update entry:


* NEW WordPress 4.7 is now the minimum required to use SEOPress (WP 5.3 is recommended)
* NEW Add %%page%% dynamic variable, current page number with context (eg: "Page 1 of 4")
* NEW Add "Remove hentry post class" option (SEO > Advanced > Advanced tab) to prevent Google from seeing this as a schema
* NEW Add "Remove author website in comments" option (SEO > Advanced > Advanced tab)
* NEW Add "Remove website field in comments" option (SEO > Advanced > Advanced tab)
* NEW Add "Clean manually...

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Staff member
Apanha updated SEOPress PRO with a new update entry:


* NEW Pixel counter for title and meta description now works with each language / alphabet! Faster, more reliable and universal!
* NEW Facebook Preview!
* NEW Cookie bar customization: change background, color, buttons... from SEO, Google Analytics, Cookie bar / GDPR tab
* NEW Add new checks to content analysis for social networks (Open Graph / Twitter cards) to detect duplicated tags/conflicts
* NEW %%post_thumbnail_url%% global dynamic variable to display post thumbnail URL...

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Staff member
Apanha updated SEOPress PRO with a new update entry:


* NEW Content analysis now detects duplicated schemas from your source code to avoid conflicts
* NEW Add Product Global Identifiers type and Product Global Identifiers fields to WooCommerce metabox for Product schema - PRO
* NEW Software Application schema (manual and automatic) - PRO
* NEW Option to force a default OG:IMAGE tag if no custom OG:IMAGE set from SEO metabox (SEO > Social Networks > Open Graph)
* NEW "seopress_schemas_softwareapp_html" hook to filter the software app manual...

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Staff member
Apanha updated SEOPress PRO with a new update entry:


INFO Improve general user experience
INFO Improve UI to import redirections
INFO Improve backward compatibility
INFO Remove default WooCommerce meta robots to avoid conflicts
INFO Improve performance to remove the cookie bar when user clicks the Accept button
FIX Fatal error $product->get_id
FIX Twitter Cards false positive if Tw Image size is set to large

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