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- #11
Apanha updated WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts to Version: 2.3.1
Read the Changelog... for Version: 2.3.1
Read the Changelog... for Version: 2.3.1
* Fix - Sale price condition check problem if product sale price has sale date set
* Fix - In some cases BXGY method discounts not the cheapest products
* Fix - Trashed products appear in the product conditions user interface
* Fix - Cart discount subtotal off by a few cents under specific conditions
* Fix - Volume pricing table not displayed on function call if disabled in settings
* Tweak - Cart item price adjustments are now applied via filters; no longer set on product
* Tweak - Changed...
* Tweak - Product price caching subsystem performance improvements
* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements
* Dev - Changed administrative capability from manage_woocommerce to manage_rp_wcdpd
Yeah I knowthey have changed their plugin: Pricepep - WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing, Discounts & Fees
Yith Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing And Discounts Premium
Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing 3.3.0
YITH Dynamic Pricing per Payment Method for WooCommerce
WooCommerce MSRP Pricing
Checkout for WooCommerce - CheckoutWC 9.1.8