- Seller
- #31
Apanha updated Woocommerce Local Pickup Plus to Version: 2.3.18
Read the Changelog... for Version: 2.3.18
Read the Changelog... for Version: 2.3.18
* Tweak - Add a setting to consider business hours and holidays when calculating first pickup date based on lead time
* Fix - Remove the option to select a pickup location for a cart item if a product only allows pickup at a single location
* Misc - Add support for WooCommerce 3.8
* Fix - Fix an issue where some items for which shipping is available are forced to be picked up
* Fix - When there is only one location available for a shipping package, select it automatically
Yoast Local Seo For Woocommerce
Checkout for WooCommerce - CheckoutWC 10.0.3
Woocommerce Amazon Affiliates - Wordpress Plugin
WooCommerce Subscriptions 7.1.0
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