- Seller
- #21
Apanha updated YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager Premium to Version: 1.2.8
Read the Changelog... for Version: 1.2.8
Read the Changelog... for Version: 1.2.8
* New: Added field type "number"
* Update: Plugin Core
* Fix: Prevent warning "array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array"
* Dev: Set min date for datepicker through new filter 'ywccp_datepicker_min_date'
* Fix: undefined variable $conditions_is_valid
* Update: Italian language
* Update: Notice handler
* Update: Plugin framework
* Fix: JavaScript set required condition for fields by checking products in cart
* Update: Italian language
* Update: Notice handler
* Update: Plugin framework
* Fix: JavaScript set required condition for fields by checking products in cart
* Update: Italian language
* Update: Notice handler
* Update: Plugin framework
* Fix: JavaScript set required condition for fields by checking products in cart
Yith Woocommerce Multi-step Checkout Premium
Yith Woocommerce Quick Checkout For Digital Goods Premium
Yith Woocommerce One-click Checkout Premium
Checkout for WooCommerce - CheckoutWC 10.0.3
Yith Woocommerce Order Tracking Premium