Admin Columns Pro 6.4.8

Download Admin Columns Pro 6.4.8 from nulled fire. Admin Columns Pro creates Powerful columns that Sort, Filter & Edit.
* [Improved] Make the button 'Bulk Edit' on top of the table translatable
* [Improved] Sorting on the taxonomy column now also works with 'Show all results'
* [Improved] With horizontal scrolling enabled the horizontal offset is preserved when refreshing the page
* [Improved] The small icons shown next to the column name on the column settings page are now aligned
* [Added] Added the ability to sort, edit and filter the "Author Slug" and "Full Name" columns on the users table
* [Added] Added the ability to sort and filter the "Full Name" column on the users table
* [Added] New hook `acp/select/formatter/user_name` to alter the displayed user results from the filter select2 dropdown
* [Added] New hook `acp/select/formatter/post_title` to alter the displayed post results from the filter select2 dropdown
* [Added] New hook `acp/select/formatter/term_name` to alter the displayed term results from the filter select2 dropdown
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core changes ( 4.1.8 )
* [Added] New columns for the Users table: Fullname, Author Slug and Username / Login.
* [Fixed] CSS conflict on overview pages where post type is 'Modal'
* [Improved] Major performance improvements when sorting posts by "Custom Fields", "Attachment", "Author Name", "Comment Count", "Comment Status", "Page Depth", "Excerpt", "Menu", "Last Modified", "Latest Comment", "Page Templates", "Shortcodes", "Sticky", "Featured Image Size", "Reading Time", "Post Status", "Permalink", "Path" and "WordCount"
* [Improved] Major performance improvements when sorting media by "Alternate Text", "Caption", "Custom Fields", "Available Sizes", "Description", "Dimensions", "Exif Data", "Height" and "Width"
* [Improved] Major performance improvements when sorting users by "Custom Fields", "Comment Count", "Description", "Display Name", "Post Count", "Posts", "Rich Editing", "Roles", "Show Toolbar" and "User Url"
* [Improved] Major performance improvements when sorting terms by "Custom Fields" and "Menu"
* [Improved] Added sorting of posts by "Ancestors"
* [Improved] Added sorting of users by "User Posts"
* [Improved] Added smart filtering of posts by "Comments"
* [Added] WYSIWYG editing support for inline editing
* [Added] Hide standard WordPress filters (e.g. the date, post format and category filters)
* [Added] Enable/disable smart filtering on a per column basis.
* [Added] You can now remove all terms when using inline edit
* [Added] Added inline and bulk editing for the user description column
* [Added] Added a warning icon for columns that can become slow when sorting very large datasets
* [Fixed] The post count column for users will show the correct count when 'any' post type is selected
* [Fixed] Disable Bulk- and inline editing for overview without stored settings
* [Fixed] Enabling or disabling Horizontal Scrolling for an overview that has no column settings gave a fatal error
* [Fixed] Search form on the media items page was not being removed when enabling the hide-on-screen option
* [Fixed] The title on media items was not correctly displayed when using inline editing
* [Fixed] All `Numeric` class names have be renamed to `Number, because `Numeric` is a soft reserved keyword since PHP 7
* [Added] New hook `acp/search/filters` to alter the filter options and set available values and operators
* [Added] New hook `acp/sorting/model` to alter the sorting model per column
* [Added] New hook `acp/sorting/custom_field/date_type` to alter the sorting of dates (that are stored in metadata) from 'datetime' to 'numeric'
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core changes ( 4.1.7 )
* [Improved] Better Table overview recognition to prevent wrong loaded list screens
* [Improved] The comments column on the users page will now link to the (filtered) comments table
* [Improved] The post count column on the users page now has the option to select all post types
* [Fixed] Renamed the user display option 'First and Last Name' to 'Full name'
* [Fixed] The comment count column for the users page will now only count 'approved' and 'pending' comments when selecting 'All comments'
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Reactions: Rolica-B
* [Improved] Implemented fallback for WordPress determine_local() function making Admin Columns Pro compatible again for installation with WordPress version below 5.0
* [Improved] Better horizontal scrollbar positioning when page changes
* [Improved] Better backward compatibility for the inline edit toggle button
* [Improved] Fixed some right-to-left (RTL) issues in Editing
* [Improved] Smart filters can be hidden per list table via the optional settings (below the column settings)
* [Fixed] Disabled Export for Yoast Linked column
* [Fixed] MySQL error when sorting on a custom field column that has no value for any of the records
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core changes ( 4.1.6 )
* [Improved] You can now display the column ID and Type by opening the screen options in top right
* [Improved] The meta column will now display a zero (when available) instead of a dash
* [Improved] Improved right-to-left (RTL) support
* [Improved] First time loading columns is faster