Admin Columns Pro 6.4.13

Download Admin Columns Pro 6.4.13 from nulled fire. Admin Columns Pro creates Powerful columns that Sort, Filter & Edit.
* [Fixed] Some saved filters gave a fatal error when it was using operators that did not exist anymore
* [Fixed] Export did not work anymore since WordPress 5.5
* [Fixed] IE11 issues for Smart Filtering
* [Improved] The submenu with column sets on top of the column settings has been removed. It can be enabled again with the hook: add_filter( 'acp/admin/enable_submenu', '__return_true' );
* [Added] We added the option to share filter segments with all users
* [Added] New filter `acp/search/segments_list` which allow you to change the order of the saved filters and restrict them per user role.
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core changes ( 4.2 )
* [Added] New api function `ac_get_columns` to retrieve the available columns for Listscreen ID
* [Added] New api function `ac_get_column` to retrieve a single column from a Listscreen based on its ID
* [Added] Screen Option to show the Listscreen ID and Listscreen Name on the Column settings page
* [Fixed] Fixed User helper that gave some PHP warnings when using in the Author column
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Reactions: Rolica-B
* [Fixed] Editing issue for Custom Field column (text) when inline edit feature for custom field was disabled
* [Improved] Make the button 'Bulk Edit' on top of the table translatable
* [Improved] Sorting on the taxonomy column now also works with 'Show all results'
* [Improved] With horizontal scrolling enabled the horizontal offset is preserved when refreshing the page
* [Improved] The small icons shown next to the column name on the column settings page are now aligned
* [Added] Added the ability to sort, edit and filter the "Author Slug" and "Full Name" columns on the users table
* [Added] Added the ability to sort and filter the "Full Name" column on the users table
* [Added] New hook `acp/select/formatter/user_name` to alter the displayed user results from the filter select2 dropdown
* [Added] New hook `acp/select/formatter/post_title` to alter the displayed post results from the filter select2 dropdown
* [Added] New hook `acp/select/formatter/term_name` to alter the displayed term results from the filter select2 dropdown
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core changes ( 4.1.8 )
* [Added] New columns for the Users table: Fullname, Author Slug and Username / Login.
* [Fixed] CSS conflict on overview pages where post type is 'Modal'