Admin Menu Editor Pro (Business) 2.24.2

Download Admin Menu Editor Pro (Business) 2.24.2 from nulled fire. Simplify and Organize the Admin Menu
##### Added
* Added "Admin Customizer": a new visual customization interface that lets you change various admin dashboard styles with live preview. It was inspired by the Theme Customizer. Admin Customizer includes the existing admin menu style settings and adds a number of new style settings for various admin UI elements:
* Buttons
* Boxes (dashboard widgets and meta boxes)
* Page headings
* Tables
* The Toolbar (Admin Bar)
* Admin Customizer can generate an admin theme from your custom style settings. The generated admin theme includes only a subset of visual settings (e.g. no menu permissions or custom widgets), and it is entirely stand-alone: you can use it without Admin Menu Editor Pro.
* Note: Since Admin Customizer is a complex and brand new feature, it may have currently more bugs than the rest of the plugin.
* Added more options to the "Tweaks" tab that can be used to hide more profile fields.

##### Changed
* Added a dash before secondary menu items like "Easy Hide" and "Admin Customizer" when they are shown below the main "Menu Editor Pro" menu item.
* Renamed some buttons that don't immediately save settings to the database from "Save Changes" to "OK". For example, this affects the confirmation button in the "Style" dialog. The behaviour is still the same, only the labels have changed. You still need to click the "Save Changes" button in the menu editor to actually save the menu configuration.
* Added a green indicator to the "Save Changes" button on the menu editor page when there are certain types of pending changes.

##### Fixed
* Fixed a minor conflict with Essential Grid 3.0.17 that caused tooltips in AME dialogs to appear underneath the dialogs.
* Fixed the JS error "Uncaught TypeError: colorPresets is null" when trying to edit the colors of an individual menu item when there is no global menu color preset.
* Fixed an inefficiency where some menu logo styles were added even when no logo was selected.
* Fixed a rare but severe admin dashboard performance issue that was triggered by dynamically generated stylesheets using the `Content-Length` HTTP header.
* Fixed menu item color settings not being applied to custom menu items that don't have a custom element ID. This used to work before, but was accidentally broken around version 2.19.
##### Added
* Added the ability to move dashboard widgets and override the number of dashboard columns. The custom dashboard layout can be enabled or disabled per role.
* Added an "open links in a new tab" setting to custom RSS widgets.

##### Fixed
* Fixed a minor plugin conflict with "WPFunnels" and "Email Marketing Automation - Mail Mint" that caused hidden menu items created by those plugins to become visible when AME was activated.
* Fixed a conflict with the "Fortress" plugin that could reportedly cause an infinite loop.
* Fixed a conflict with "Da Reactions" 4.0.3 that triggered PHP warnings like "Warning: Array to string conversion in .../includes/menu-item.php on line 54".
* Switched TypeScript to strict mode.
* Hotfix: Fixed another bug in the "full height layout" feature that pushed the right side of the Toolbar off the screen, potentially hiding the "Howdy, username" dropdown.