Admin Menu Editor Pro (Business) 2.24.2

Download Admin Menu Editor Pro (Business) 2.24.2 from nulled fire. Simplify and Organize the Admin Menu
  • Added a “Tweaks” tab to the settings page. This tab contains miscellaneous admin customization features. It includes new options like:
    • Hide the “Sreen Options” button.
    • Hide all admin notices.
    • Hide profile fields.
    • Hide sidebars and sidebar widgets.
    • Hide TinyMCE buttons (TinMCE is the classic post editor).
  • Fixed inconsistent dialog title bar colours that could happen when another plugin loaded the default WP dialog styles.
  • Fixed an issue where the meta box list in the “Meta Boxes” tab could be missing some boxes if you edited a post/page after installing the plugin but before opening that tab.
  • Changed how the plugin displays errors that happen while loading the menu configuration (e.g. due to an incompatible format or corrupted data). Instead of triggering a fatal error, the plugin will display an admin notice.
##### Fixed
* Fixed a minor conflict with Toolset Types.
* Fixed a conflict with the MailPoet plugin where it was not possible to change the plugin's menu icon.
* Fixed a bug where the plugin could misidentify certain core menus that have different URLs for different roles.
* Fixed a bug where the plugin could generate incorrect URLs for submenu items where the parent menu URL contained HTML entities like "&".
* Fixed an issue where certain vulnerability scanners showed a warning about one of the plugin files because it used the eval() function. This particular instance of eval() was not a security flaw, but it has been now been removed to prevent further false positives.
* Fixed a bug where the plugin could show an incorrect error message when a menu item was hidden due to there being another hidden menu item with the same URL.
* Fixed a minor issue with field alignment in menu properties.
* The "Site Health" menu will no longer be highlighted as a new menu.

##### Changed
* Improved compatibility with plugins that use non-standard hooks to add their meta boxes (example: WPML).
Updated add-on