Admin Menu Editor Pro (Business) 2.24.2

Download Admin Menu Editor Pro (Business) 2.24.2 from nulled fire. Simplify and Organize the Admin Menu
Uploaded the Branding Add-on
  • Fixed a bug where the "Dashboard Widgets" tab always used site-wide settings regardless of which scope the user had selected.
  • Various technical improvements that are related to supporting add-ons like Toolbar Editor or the upcoming Branding add-on.
  • Added an [ame-count-bubble] shortcode. When used in a menu title, it takes the number bubble from the default menu title and displays it in the custom title. A "bubble" is the small number in a colored circle that appears on some menu items, like "Dashboard -> Updates (3)", "Comments (12)", or "WooCommerce -> Orders (5)".
  • Fixed a PHP 7.2 compatibility issue that caused this warning to show up on the menu editor page: "count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in menu-editor-core.php".
  • Fixed a JavaScript error "cannot read property 'replace' of null" in the "Meta Boxes" tab that would show up if another plugin added a meta box without a valid title.
  • Fixed a JavaScript error "actor is null" when trying to save dashboard widget settings that contain user-specific permissions for nonexistent users. This typically happened when importing settings from another site.
  • Fixed a conflict with Ultra WordPress Admin 7.4 that made it impossible to hide plugins.
  • Tested with WP 4.9.4 and 5.0-alpha.