AIT Easy Admin 3.0.6

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Download AIT Easy Admin 3.0.6 from nulled fire. AIT Easy Admin Simplified Wordpress administration

Download AIT Easy Admin 3.0.6 from nulled fire

AIT Easy Admin Simplified Wordpress administration
Offer your customers a simplified WordPress administration without any unnecessary distractions. Plugin changes standard WordPress admin panel and gives it more user friendly look&feel. This plugin works with any theme, not only with our AIT WordPress themes, but also with 3rd party themes from different developers. This is a must have for everybody who wish to help their non-technical clients understand website administration quickly. Believe us, it’s great.

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AIT Easy Admin

(38.4 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By

Latest reviews

  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 2.11
Awesome addon for FoodGuide theme