AIT PayPal Subscriptions 2.0.2

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Download AIT PayPal Subscriptions 2.0.2 from nulled fire. They will be able to set their payment gateway to PayPal Recurring and predefined fee

Download AIT PayPal Subscriptions 2.0.2 from nulled fire

They will be able to set their payment gateway to PayPal Recurring and predefined fee
With this plugin you can simplify process of account renewal for your users. They will be able to set their payment gateway to PayPal Recurring and predefined fee for their account will be billed automatically. This way your users don’t have to pay attention for expiration dates.

PayPal is the most used payment gateway on the world. Via PayPal you can get paid faster and more securely. Look at the list of features which will help you to solve your payment process on City Guide with ease.

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AIT PayPal Subscriptions

(502.4 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By